Thursday, November 15, 2012

Charles Willson Peale

The article I decided to start with in Part II was To the Citizens of the United States of America by Charles Willson Peale. It's the first article, and by the dude I learned about in American Art Hist who started the Philidelphia Museum, so naturally I just started there.

If you remember, I've been running sound board for a Cave show all week. I was reading by the lights of backstage, like I've done most of my homework recently, and when I turned the page I realized that Peale still hadn't picked up his subject matter to address anything that had much to do with the museum as an institution, and there were like 200 words left in the address. So I finished the article as it came time for end-of-show sound cues, and then came here to the library to try and "write on my article." 

But honestly, what is this article about? It's an address to the public about the Peale Museum, by Mr. Peale. He states his hopes for the museum, and requests any "curious objects" and/or people who would like to help in the development of the museum. That's really all it is. I suppose perhaps this is simply a way to look at a museum from a museum developer's point of view, but that's really all I can think of to illuminate from this text. 

I suppose I'll try and choose a meatier article next time, but for now, I'm off to another meeting! 

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